I love a good pinball game, despite have never actually played pinball on a real machine. Hands down, Balls of Steel is my all-time favorite pinball title, but being an older title, and one that is very difficult to get working if you're on new hardware, I've had to leave it behind to the realm of fond memory. Then, out of the night, a new challenger appears! Zen Studios caught my attention with Star Wars Pinball, and although it's still not quite enough to kick Balls of Steel off my top spot, it does have several things going for it. It is without a doubt a very high-quality title, with solid table designs and deep gameplay which melds arcade elements you just can't get in a real-life table (at least, I've never yet seen the table where you assault actual storm troopers with your ball as they fire their blasters at you). The Star Wars theme is top-notch, and doesn't stop at a single table...Zen Studios has been maintaining support for this title and has to date release nine unique Star Wars themed tables. Also, and this is very important, unlike Balls of Steel, it's easy to get it working. In fact, it has broad cross-platform support and can be played on PlayStation, XBox, PC, iOS, Android and other platforms.
Currently I have six tables loaded onto my iPhone 5s, and they play beautifully. The game allows you to select from multiple different table views, from full-screen to a variety of skewed perspectives that track the ball, so it's easy to find a good view of the action regardless of the device you're on. The gameplay is smooth, animations and sound are crisp, and each table is beautifully designed. You can just feel the love that was poured into this title.
Moreover, each table is complex and loaded with different challenges to unlock. It will test your skills and provide you with plenty of entertainment whether you are a casual player picking it up to kill a few minutes or a dedicated pinball wizard determined to take on everything it can throw at you. This title definitely gets my full recommendation.
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